Advertising on IBA Pool

Connect your brand to one of the fastest growing communities of pool players, tournament directors, league operators, venues, businesses and billiard enthusiasts around the world!

Advertising Packages


Month-to-Month, No Contract
Static ad
Inner page placement
Desktop, Tablet & Mobile formats
Basic support included


Month-to-Month, No Contract
10,000 impressions
Static and rich media ads
League home page placement
League inner page placement
Desktop, Tablet & Mobile formats
Basic support included
Reporting dashboard


Billed Annually at $2000
50,000 impressions
All high-traffic pages
Static and rich media ads
Home page placement
Inner page placement
Desktop, Tablet & Mobile formats
Basic support included
Reporting dashboard


Billed Annually at $4000
100,000 impressions
All high-traffic pages
Static and rich media ads
Home page placement
Inner page placement
Desktop, Tablet & Mobile formats
Run multiple ads at once
Facebook ads
Priority support included
Reporting dashboard

Advertising Templates

Homepage - Desktop (970x250)
Inner Pages - Desktop (970x90)
Homepage - Tablet (728x90)
Inner Pages - Tablet (728x90)
Homepage - Mobile (320x100)
Inner Pages - Mobile (320x100)

Flexible package options designed to fit everyones budget.

Flexible pricing options for all advertisers big or small. Advertise for as little as $30 through our advertising portal.
Banner Ads

Run banner ads on and reach a growing community of over 30,000 pool players!

Social Media Ads

Run ads on IBA Pool's Facebook page.

Mobile App Ads

Run ads on IBA Pool's mobile player app for iOS and Android. (coming 2024)